Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nintendo DSI

So upon release i woke up early and headed to Frys. No cash in my account but dammit.. i have a credit card.
The ds itself is a great console, mine so happen to have been left on a shelf at Walgreens by my younger cousin. The dsi comes packed with 2 cameras, web browser, and sd slot.... a pirates dream. Im sitting on it though. The cache memory is limited, *i believe 256?* which means the browser cannot access my facebook/gmail account. The "sound player" plays only AAC and ignores mp3 files. As much as i regret saying this, it doesnt play GBA games. Once a cartridge comes out that can handle all the capabilities of the Dsi, you can be assured i will be pulling my credit card out. Until then i will be shaking my fist at nintendo. They duped me again into spending more money >_<

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